
The Canlubang Sugar Estate in Calamba was originally owned by a group of Sangleys (a term used during the Spanish colonial period to describe persons of pure Chinese ancestry)resideng in Calamba.. During the 16th Century it was confiscated by the Spanish government and sold to an insular Spaniard named Don Tomas de Andaya in 1678. It was then acquired by the Jesuits on January 29, 1759. When the Jesuits were expelled in the Philippines, the land was again confiscated by the government and sold again at a public auction to Don Jose Clemente de Azanza on November 19, 1802. It was acquired by the Dominicans on June 28, 1831
When the Americans colonized the country, the land was classified as friar land and was again acquired by the government on October 19, 1905. Alfred Ehrman, leader of a group of American businessmen from California organized and incorporated the Calamba Sugar Estate on June 14, 1912 which purchased the friar land. The Calamba Sugar Estate managed by Louis Weinzheimer and his family is known as the second sugar central in the Philippines. The sugar mill started its operations on December 1, 1914. It also planted coconuts on its property and was a model sugar plantation from 1920 to 1930s.
The Americans sold the estate to Vicente Madrigal on the onset of the Japanese occupation of the Philippines. In 1948, Madrigal was unable to run the estate successfully due to labor unrest. He offered the estate to a good friend José Yulo, a bright lawyer and legal counsel of the estate since 1927. The Yulos acquired the estate in 1948 and improved the financial and social status of the estate within two years through reforms. His wife, Cecilia Araneta Yulo was instrumental in the construction of a school (now Rizal Institute), the church of St. Joseph, civic and recreational centers, and the first outdoor drive-in movie house. Sports facilities such as the baseball field, swimming pools, tennis courts, bowling lanes and golf course were also built. The company was also expanded into a pulp facility known as the Canlubang Pulp which purchased more than 80% of the total abaca produced in the country