Rizal lived to be 113; Did not die in Bagumbayan

The great Malayan did not die at Bagumbayan. According to an account in World Viewer dated May 8, 2016, Jose P. Rizal lived to be 113 years old. It said that after Rizal finished his studies as an eye doctor in Germany, he operated successfully on the eyes of kings and emperors, spending extended time in Vienna with Emperor Franz-Josef of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine and in Tokyo with the Tenno.
The article titled “The Mystery of the Barclays Accounts” stated that Rizal also worked in the Vatican under an assumed name of Jose Antonio Diaz de la Paz. He became Papal Nuncio (Ambassador of Goodwill of the Vatican) and traveled the world more than anybody else could travel at that time, speaking in 10 languages.
When the kings and emperors needed a trusted person to take care of all their secret treasures after WW I, Jose Rizal a.k.a Jose Antonio Diaz de la Paz of the Vatican was chosen. Since secrecy was essential to the whole plan, Jose P. Rizal alias Jose Antonio Diaz de la Paz, became the most important and most classified person of the 20th century.
The structure of this gargantuan wealth built on this secrecy was manifested after WW II, with the secret deposit of 400,000 Metric Tons of gold. In 1949, the gold was deposited at the Central Bank of the Philippines and another 217,500 MT deposited in banks allover the world under a secret code name Tiburcio Villamor Marcos or TVM-LSM-666, the 400,000 MT deposited for 50 years plus 5 years to terminate all claims of former owners. United States Presidents Harry S. Truman and his successor US President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Chiang Kai-Shek, Mao Tse Tung, Tschu Enlai, and Generalissimo Franco of Spain signed that secret agreement on August 11, 1950. Among others, JPR-JAD (Jose P. Rizal-Jose Antonio Diaz de la Paz) signed as Trust Depositor, young Ferdinand Marcos (33 years old then) signed as “Legal Counsel for TVM-LSM-666.”
The controlling institution for that giant undertaking was, and is until today the Bank for International Settlement in Basel, Switzerland, the de-facto secret central bank of all central banks in the world, controlling also the Federal Reserve System of America, Bank of England, World Bank, IMF, and ECB.
Trust account C-1-C-2-C-19-C-21 was opened for TVM-LSM-666, special code-name Jose Bautista Cruzen, in Barclays Bank in London for payment of the returned Philippine Victory Money. In reality, it was JPR-JAD (Jose P. Rizal-Jose Antonio Diaz de la Paz) who signed as Jose Bautista Cruzen in the bank, and in the US Treasury for the money of the Philippines. The notes were originally printed as “Commonwealth of the Philippines Peso” in 1934/1936 in the Bureau of Printing and Engraving in Washington D.C. becoming Philippine Victory Notes in exchange of 2 Pesos for one dollar. Seventeen thousand MT of gold were deposited by JPR-JAD (Jose P. Rizal-Jose Antonio Diaz de la Paz) in Barclays Bank Singapore as guarantee for the money, which was demonetized in 1967, when Ferdinand Marcos, the Legal Counsel of JPR-JAD (Jose P. Rizal-Jose Antonio Diaz de la Paz) code name TVM-LSM-666, became the new President of the Philippines. He was witness when JPR-JAD (Jose P. Rizal-Jose Antonio Diaz de la Paz) transferred ownership over all his assets, properties, and belongings to his chosen successor-in-interest-and-rights “Rev. Dr. Floro E. Garcia” (Marcos).
“The old man,” Jose Antonio Diaz de la Paz (JAD) also Jose P. Rizal died in 1974. He must have been 113 years old.
President Ferdinand Marcos became the Legal Counsel of the successor-in-interest-and-rights and new owner of TVM-TVTM-LSM-666, Rev. Dr. Floro E. Garcia, who would have to wait for maturity in the year 2005.
Principally sitting on the wealth of the world, a genius Ferdinand Marcos was able to preserve everything and even create a new fortune on the side, which is preserved as the backup of managerial currencies.
The facts and figures in this article were lifted from the original account titled “The Mystery of the Barclays Account.” The author does not guarantee the accuracy of the story.