The Rizal Family Scandal
Jose Rizal’s grandmother, Brigida Quintos was “another woman.” Rizal’s grandfather, Lorenzo Alberto’s legal wife was Paula Florentino of Vigan who was younger by twelve years. Lorenzo was from Biñan, Laguna. He was an educated mestizo that reached the pinnacle of political power during his time. He was a Philippine representative to the Spanish cortes. The Philippine representation to the Spanish cortes though, under the Cadiz constitution allowing colonies to be represented in the Spanish Cortez was short lived.

According to Dr. Jose Rizal, his mother, Teodora Alonzo and Uncle Jose Alberto, came from the marriage of Joaquina Brigida de Quintos and Lorenzo Alberto. Some historians however say that the siblings later claimed legitimacy by stating that Paula Florentino, the legal wife was their lawful mother. Other accounts say that all the siblings came from the same mother except Teodora, and this is why Teodora had always been treated like an outsider. It is also important to note that of all the Alberto siblings, Teodora is the only one baptized in Manila.
Another interesting account comes from the Philippine Star columnist Barbara Gonzalez, herself a Rizal descendant. According to her, Jose (Teodora’s brother) had fathered a child with his niece, Saturnina Rizal (the eledest of Rizal’s sisters) and that Soledad Rizal (the youngest) was the fruit of this incestuous affair. This was the reason why Jose’s wife, Teodora Formoso, developed animosity towards Teodora. . In order to hide this shameful act, Saturnina went out on a vacation with her mother Teodora, only to come back later with a newborn child. Teodora claimed that the child was hers. Soledad was the most beautiful among the Rizal sisters, having a mestizo father. If this story was indeed true, this may be the reason behind the conflict between the Alonzos and the Alberto clan.
Popular history texts say that Teodora Alonzo was made to walk from Calamba to Sta. Cruz to face trial. .Historical accounts say that this was done by Spanish officials to harass the Rizals who were suspected to have secret connections with the insurrectos. Contrary to this Teodora was charged and convicted for attempted murder and was sent to prison with Jose Alberto.
The story is that Jose Alberto found out that Teodora Formoso (his wife) was having an affair. Back from a trip from abroad he immediately confined his wife in one of the rooms. Jose then requested Teodora (the sister) to feed her while in the locked room. Teodora came with daughter Saturnina. Jose Alberto’s wife Teodora did not eat the food. Instead she fed it to a dog, which died immediately. Teodora Alonzo with her half-brother Jose Alberto was charged for attempting to poison the other Teodora (Jose Albeto’s wife).