FOOD FAVORITES: Sinigang sa Bayabas na Ayungin

Like other Pinoys in the Tagalog region, Calambeños’ favorite dishes are Adobo, Sinigang, Tinola, Paksiw, and pesa. However, Calambeños have food favorites rarely found in other towns and cities in the region. Among others are Burong Dalag (often served during Lenten Season), Sinigang na Kanduli sa miso, and Ginataang Biya. Rarest of all however is Sinigang na Ayungin sa Bayabas. Sinigang is a Pinoy sour soup dish that usually uses unripe tamarind, tomatoes, or kamias to attain the sour taste.
This version uses ripe native guavas as souring agent resulting to a sweet fruity taste. Ayungin is Leiopotherapon plumbeus, known commonly as the silver perch. It is a species of fish in the family Terapontidae, the grunters. It is endemic to the Philippines and is commonly found in freshwater lakes like the Laguna de Bay and Taal Lake. Post war Calamba children calls Sinigang na Ayungin sa Bayabas, “Always”, because it is a Calamba mother’s everyday offering. Ayungin used to be abundant in Laguna Lake and Calamba’s rivers and canals but is now rare and endangered due to over fishing and pollution. Ayungin is now one of the most expensive fish in the market and is hard to come by.
Using the Calambaño expression, this one particular dish can urge you to "elbow your mother in law." If children of yesteryears call Sinigang na Bayanas sa Ayungin, “Always,” maybe present year children now would call it “Seldom” or "Mahal" (Expensive).